65 citations to 10.1109/TSMCB.2008.926603 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Daoyi Dong, Chunlin Chen, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 2010, 21  crossref
  2. Binbin Chen, Jing Wang, Yunsen Zhou, “Quantum Control and Its Application: A Brief Introduction”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1802, no. 2, 2021, 022068  crossref
  3. Oleg V. Morzhin, Alexander N. Pechen, 2362, MIPT (PHYSTECH) - QUANT 2020, 2021, 060003  crossref
  4. O. V. Morzhin, A. N. Pechen, “Machine Learning for Finding Suboptimal Final Times and Coherent and Incoherent Controls for an Open Two-Level Quantum System”, Lobachevskii J Math, 41, no. 12, 2020, 2353  crossref
  5. Boris Olegovich Volkov, Alexander Nikolaevich Pechen, “On the detailed structure of quantum control landscape for fast single qubit phase-shift gate generation”, Известия Российской академии наук. Серия математическая, 87, no. 5, 2023, 57  crossref
  6. Vadim N. Petruhanov, Alexander N. Pechen, “Quantum Control Landscapes for Generation of H and T Gates in an Open Qubit with Both Coherent and Environmental Drive”, Photonics, 10, no. 11, 2023, 1200  crossref
  7. Daoyi Dong, Ian R Petersen, “Sliding mode control of quantum systems”, New J. Phys., 11, no. 10, 2009, 105033  crossref
  8. Zhihang Xu, Yuzhen Wei, Cong Jiang, Min Jiang, “Deterministic remote state preparation of arbitrary three-qubit state through noisy cluster-GHZ channel”, Chinese Phys. B, 31, no. 4, 2022, 040304  crossref
  9. YI-FAN XING, JUN WU, “PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION CONTROL OF QUANTUM SYSTEMS”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 25, no. 17, 2011, 2289  crossref
  10. Hailan Ma, Chunlin Chen, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2020, 4165  crossref