3 citations to 10.1615/NanomechanicsSciTechnolIntJ.v4.i2.30 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Alexander Herega, The Selected Models of the Mesostructure of Composites, 2018, 27  crossref
  2. Alexander Herega, The Selected Models of the Mesostructure of Composites, 2018, 53  crossref
  3. Eugene Krylov, Volodymyr Martynov, Maksym Mykolaiets, Olena Martynova, Oleksandr Vietokh, “Influence of modification of the solid component on the properties of non-autoclaved aerated concrete”, EEJET, 3, no. 6 (99), 2019, 53  crossref