6 citations to 10.1016/0375-9601(92)90848-G (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Q P Liu, “Fully supersymmetric hierarchies from an energy-dependent super Hill operator”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 30, no. 24, 1997, 8661  crossref
  2. Renat Zhdanov, “On relation between potential and contact symmetries of evolution equations”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50, no. 5, 2009, 053522  crossref
  3. T. Wolf, A. Brand, “Examples of the investigation of differential equations with modularized programs”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 25, no. 8-9, 1997, 133  crossref
  4. Norbert Euler, Marianna Euler, “A Tree of Linearisable Second-Order Evolution Equations by Generalised Hodograph Transformations”, JNMP, 8, no. 3, 2001, 342  crossref
  5. V V Sokolov, Thomas Wolf, “A symmetry test for quasilinear coupled systems”, Inverse Problems, 15, no. 2, 1999, L5  crossref
  6. A. G. Meshkov, “On symmetry classification of third-order evolutionary systems of divergent type”, J Math Sci, 151, no. 4, 2008, 3167  crossref