36 citations to 10.1016/j.cam.2010.01.020 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. V. A. Rukavishnikov, A. O. Mosolapov, “Weighted edge finite element method for Maxwell’s equations with strong singularity”, Dokl. Math., 87, no. 2, 2013, 156  crossref
  2. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Elena I. Rukavishnikova, “Error estimate FEM for the Nikol’skij–Lizorkin problem with degeneracy”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 403, 2022, 113841  crossref
  3. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Elena I. Rukavishnikova, “Weighted finite element method and body of optimal parameters for elasticity problem with singularity”, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 151, 2023, 408  crossref
  4. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Elena I. Rukavishnikova, 8236, Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, 2013, 110  crossref
  5. V. A. Rukavishnikov, H. I. Rukavishnikova, “On the Error Estimation of the Finite Element Method for the Boundary Value Problems with Singularity in the Lebesgue Weighted Space”, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 34, no. 12, 2013, 1328  crossref
  6. V. A. Rukavishnikov, E. I. Rukavishnikova, “Dirichlet problem with degeneration of the input data on the boundary of the domain”, Diff Equat, 52, no. 5, 2016, 681  crossref
  7. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, 112, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2015, 2016, 411  crossref
  8. Victor Anatolievich Rukavishnikov, “On Differential Properties Rν-Generalized Solution of the Dirichlet Problem with Coordinated Degeneration of the Input Data”, ISRN Mathematical Analysis, 2011, 2011, 1  crossref
  9. Victor A. Rukavishnikov, Andrey O. Mosolapov, “New numerical method for solving time-harmonic Maxwell equations with strong singularity”, Journal of Computational Physics, 231, no. 6, 2012, 2438  crossref
  10. V. Rukavishnikov, E. Rukavishnikova, “On the Existence and Uniqueness ofRv-Generalized Solution for Dirichlet Problem with Singularity on All Boundary”, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, 2014, 1  crossref