- Alexey Glutsyuk, “On rationally integrable planar dual multibilliards and piecewise smooth projective billiards”, Nonlinearity, 37, no. 6, 2024, 065002
- Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko, Viktoriya Viktorovna Vedyushkina, “Billiards and integrable systems”, Russian Math. Surveys, 78, no. 5, 2023, 881
- ALEXEY GLUTSYUK, “On infinitely many foliations by caustics in strictly convex open billiards”, Ergod. Th. Dynam. Sys., 44, no. 5, 2024, 1418
- A. Glutsyuk, E. Shustin, “On polynomially integrable planar outer billiards and curves with symmetry property”, Math. Ann., 372, no. 3-4, 2018, 1481
- V. V. Vedyushkina (Fokicheva), A. T. Fomenko, “Integrable geodesic flows on orientable two-dimensional surfaces and topological billiards”, Izv. Math., 83, no. 6, 2019, 1137
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- Alexey Glutsyuk, “On curves with the Poritsky property”, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., 24, no. 2, 2022, 35
- Misha L Bialy, Andrei Evgen'evich Mironov, “Полиномиальная неинтегрируемость магнитных бильярдов на сфере и гиперболической плоскости”, Успехи математических наук, 74, no. 2(446), 2019, 3
- Misha Bialy, Andrey E. Mironov, Lior Shalom, “Magnetic billiards: Non-integrability for strong magnetic field; Gutkin type examples”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 154, 2020, 103716