18 citations to 10.1080/00927872.2017.1358269 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Ivan Kaygorodov, Samuel A. Lopes, Farukh Mashurov, “Actions of the additive group Ga on certain noncommutative deformations of the plane”, Communications in Mathematics, 29, no. 2, 2021, 269  crossref
  2. Lamei Yuan, Qianyi Hua, “-(bi)derivations and transposed Poisson algebra structures on Lie algebras”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70, no. 22, 2022, 7672  crossref
  3. Ilwoo Cho, 1356, New Trends in Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics, 2021, 191  crossref
  4. Ilwoo Cho, 373, Methods of Mathematical Modelling and Computation for Complex Systems, 2022, 159  crossref
  5. Bruno Leonardo Macedo Ferreira, Ivan Kaygorodov, Viktor Lopatkin, “$\frac{1}{2}$-derivations of Lie algebras and transposed Poisson algebras”, RACSAM, 115, no. 3, 2021, 142  crossref
  6. Ilwoo Cho, Palle Jorgensen, Operator and Norm Inequalities and Related Topics, 2022, 773  crossref
  7. L. S. I. Murakami, L. A. Peresi, I. P. Shestakov, “A retrospect of the research in nonassociative algebras in IME-USP”, São Paulo J. Math. Sci., 16, no. 1, 2022, 84  crossref
  8. Hani Abdelwahab, Amir Fernández Ouaridi, Ivan Kaygorodov, “Degenerations of Poisson-type algebras”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser, 74, no. 1, 2025, 63  crossref