137 citations to 10.1016/j.asr.2013.12.035 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Dimitar Ouzounov, Sergey Pulinets, Menas C. Kafatos, Patrick Taylor, Pre‐Earthquake Processes, 2018, 259  crossref
  2. P.I. Nenovski, M. Pezzopane, L. Ciraolo, M. Vellante, U. Villante, M. De Lauretis, “Local changes in the total electron content immediately before the 2009 Abruzzo earthquake”, Advances in Space Research, 55, no. 1, 2015, 243  crossref
  3. Sheldon Warden, Tom Bleier, Karl Kappler, “Long term air ion monitoring in search of pre-earthquake signals”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 186, 2019, 47  crossref
  4. Kunpeng Shi, Jinyun Guo, Xin Liu, Lu Liu, Xinzhao You, Fangjian Wang, “Seismo-ionospheric anomalies associated with Mw 7.8 Nepal earthquake on 2015 April 25 from CMONOC GPS data”, Geosci J, 24, no. 4, 2020, 391  crossref
  5. Mahmoud Sharzehei, M.A. Masnadi-Shirazi, Sh. Golbahar-Haghighi, “Statistical investigation of the noise added to a model of the effect of solar activities on the plasma of the ionosphere using DEMETER satellite data”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 130-131, 2015, 172  crossref
  6. E. A. Mareev, V. N. Stasenko, A. A. Bulatov, S. O. Dement’eva, A. A. Evtushenko, N. V. Il’in, F. A. Kuterin, N. N. Slyunyaev, M. V. Shatalina, “Russian studies of atmospheric electricity in 2011–2014”, Izv. Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 52, no. 2, 2016, 154  crossref
  7. T. Xu, Y. L. Hu, F. F. Wang, Z. Chen, J. Wu, “Is there any difference in local time variation in ionospheric F2-layer disturbances between earthquake-induced and Q-disturbance events?”, Ann. Geophys., 33, no. 6, 2015, 687  crossref
  8. Wojciech Jarmołowski, Anna Belehaki, Manuel Hernández Pajares, Michael Schmidt, Andreas Goss, Paweł Wielgosz, Heng Yang, Anna Krypiak-Gregorczyk, Ioanna Tsagouri, Evangelos Paouris, Enric Monte-Moreno, Alberto García-Rigo, Beata Milanowska, Eren Erdogan, Victoria Graffigna, Roger Haagmans, “Combining Swarm Langmuir probe observations, LEO-POD-based and ground-based GNSS receivers and ionosondes for prompt detection of ionospheric earthquake and tsunami signatures: case study of 2015 Chile-Illapel event”, J. Space Weather Space Clim., 11, 2021, 58  crossref
  9. Yiyan Zhou, Jian Yang, Fuying Zhu, Fanfan Su, Liangchen Hu, Wenbo Zhai, “Ionospheric disturbances associated with the 2015 M7.8 Nepal earthquake”, Geodesy and Geodynamics, 8, no. 4, 2017, 221  crossref
  10. Devbrat Pundhir, Birbal Singh, O. P. Singh, Saral K. Gupta, “Anomalous Variations of Ionosphere Associated with the Strong Earthquake at Pakistan-Iran Border at a Low Latitude Station Agra, India”, Acta Geophys., 64, no. 3, 2016, 796  crossref