- Твёрдый Д.А., Макаров Е.О., Паровик Р.И., “Идентификация параметров математической α-модели переноса радона в накопительной камере по данным пункта Карымшина на Камчатке”, Вестник КРАУНЦ. Физико-математические науки, 48, no. 3, 2024, 95

- Д.А. Твёрдый, Е.О. Макаров, Р.И. Паровик, “Research of Stress-Strain State of Geo-Environment by Emanation Methods on the Example of α(t)-Model of Radon Transport”, Вестник КРАУНЦ. Физико-математические науки, 44, no. 3, 2023, 86

- Д.А. Твёрдый, Р.И. Паровик, “Application of High-Performance Computing to Solve the Cauchy problem with the Fractional Riccati Equation Using an Nonlocal Implicit Finite-Difference Scheme”, Вестник КРАУНЦ. Физико-математические науки, 46, no. 1, 2024, 103

- Д.А. Твёрдый, Р.И. Паровик, “The optimization problem for determining the functional dependence of the variable order of the fractional derivative of the Gerasimov-Caputo type”, Вестник КРАУНЦ. Физико-математические науки, 47, no. 2, 2024, 35

- Dmitryi Tverdyi, Roman Parovik, Evgeniy Makarov, Pavel Firstov, Nazira Alimova, A. Dmitriev, G. Vodinchar, Z. Rakhmonov, “Application of the Riccati hereditary mathematical model to the study of the dynamics of radon accumulation in the storage chamber”, EPJ Web Conf., 254, 2021, 03001

- Dmitrii Tverdyi, Evgeny Makarov, Roman Parovik, “Hereditary Mathematical Model of the Dynamics of Radon Accumulation in the Accumulation Chamber”, Mathematics, 11, no. 4, 2023, 850

- Dmitriy Tverdyi, Roman Parovik, “Application of the Fractional Riccati Equation for Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Processes with Saturation and Memory Effect”, Fractal Fract, 6, no. 3, 2022, 163

- D. A. Tverdyi, R. I. Parovik, 12, Hereditary Models of Dynamic Processes in Geospheres, 2024, 193

- Roman Parovik, Dmitriy Tverdyi, “Some Aspects of Numerical Analysis for a Model Nonlinear Fractional Variable Order Equation”, MCA, 26, no. 3, 2021, 55

- D. A. Tverdyi, E. O. Makarov, R. I. Parovik, 12, Hereditary Models of Dynamic Processes in Geospheres, 2024, 159