2887 citations to 10.1007/978-1-4757-2063-1 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Alex Lúcio Castro, Jair Koiller, “On the dynamic Markov-Dubins problem: From path planning in robotics and biolocomotion to computational anatomy”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 18, no. 1-2, 2013, 1  crossref
  2. A. Anikin, J. Brüning, S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, “Averaging and Trajectories of a Hamiltonian System Appearing in Graphene Placed in a Strong Magnetic Field and a Periodic Potential”, J Math Sci, 223, no. 6, 2017, 656  crossref
  3. T V Fityo, I O Vakarchuk, V M Tkachuk, “The WKB approximation in the deformed space with the minimal length and minimal momentum”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 41, no. 4, 2008, 045305  crossref
  4. R. Palamakumbura, D. H. S. Maithripala, J. M. Berg, M. Holtz, 393, Emergent Problems in Nonlinear Systems and Control, 2009, 217  crossref
  5. V P Spiridonov, A S Zhedanov, “Poisson algebras for some generalized eigenvalue problems”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 37, no. 43, 2004, 10429  crossref
  6. Di Xiao, Ming-Che Chang, Qian Niu, “Berry phase effects on electronic properties”, Rev. Mod. Phys., 82, no. 3, 2010, 1959  crossref
  7. J. S. Ochs, G. Rastelli, M. Seitner, M. I. Dykman, E. M. Weig, “Resonant nonlinear response of a nanomechanical system with broken symmetry”, Phys. Rev. B, 104, no. 15, 2021, 155434  crossref
  8. Yamna Boukhatem, Benyattou Benabderrahmane, “General Decay for a Viscoelastic Equation of Variable Coefficients in the Presence of Past History with Delay Term in the Boundary Feedback and Acoustic Boundary Conditions”, Acta Appl Math, 154, no. 1, 2018, 131  crossref
  9. Alessandro Teta, A Mathematical Primer on Quantum Mechanics, 2018, 1  crossref
  10. Josh Hunt, Gabriele Carcassi, Christine Aidala, “Hamiltonian Privilege”, Erkenn, 2023  crossref