4 citations to 10.1142/S0217732398002564 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Nick E. Mavromatos, Richard J. Szabo, “Matrix D-brane dynamics, logarithmic operators, and quantization of noncommutative spacetime”, Phys. Rev. D, 59, no. 10, 1999, 104018  crossref
  2. V.V. Dyadichev, D.V. Gal'tsov, “Sphaleron glueballs in NBI theory with symmetrized trace”, Nuclear Physics B, 590, no. 3, 2000, 504  crossref
  3. I.Ya. Aref'eva, A.S. Koshelev, P.B. Medvedev, “On stable sector in supermembrane matrix model”, Nuclear Physics B, 579, no. 1-2, 2000, 411  crossref
  4. Dongsu Bak, Joohan Lee, Hyunsoo Min, “Dynamics of BPS states in the Dirac-Born-Infeld theory”, Phys. Rev. D, 59, no. 4, 1999, 045011  crossref