22 citations to 10.1137/S0036141095291385 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Alexei Zhedanov, “Umbral “classical” polynomials”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 420, no. 2, 2014, 1354  crossref
  2. Mario Bruschi, Francesco Calogero, “More, or less, trivial matrix functional equations”, Aequat. Math., 90, no. 3, 2016, 541  crossref
  3. H W Braden, “Rigidity, functional equations and the Calogero-Moser model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 34, no. 11, 2001, 2197  crossref
  4. Дж. Г. Б Байатт-Смит, J. G. B Byatt-Smith, Гарри Уайтинг Браден, Harry Whiting Braden, “О функциональном уравнении Руджинарса”, ТМФ, 133, no. 3, 2002, 353  crossref
  5. Ekaterina Shulman, “On rational addition theorems”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 278, no. 2, 2003, 255  crossref
  6. Elena Yu. Bunkova, “Hirzebruch Functional Equation: Classification of Solutions”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 302, no. 1, 2018, 33  crossref
  7. H.W. Braden, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2006, 425  crossref
  8. Lingxia Liu, “Existence of analytic solutions of an iterative functional equation”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, no. 17, 2011, 7245  crossref
  9. H.W. Braden, A. Marshakov, “Singular phases of Seiberg–Witten integrable systems: weak and strong coupling”, Nuclear Physics B, 595, no. 1-2, 2001, 417  crossref
  10. H. W. Braden, N. A. Nekrasov, Integrable Structures of Exactly Solvable Two-Dimensional Models of Quantum Field Theory, 2001, 35  crossref