111 citations to 10.1007/978-3-642-18399-7 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Kyusik Hong, DongSeon Hwang, Kyeong-Dong Park, “Kähler–Einstein metrics on smooth Fano toroidal symmetric varieties of type AIII”, Int. J. Math., 35, no. 07, 2024, 2450023  crossref
  2. Viktoriia Borovik, Sergey Gaifullin, Anton Shafarevich, “On orbits of automorphism groups on horospherical varieties”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2024, mana.202200187  crossref
  3. Roman Avdeev, “Degenerations of spherical subalgebras and spherical roots”, Commun. Contemp. Math., 26, no. 06, 2024, 2350029  crossref
  4. Eder M. Correa, Lino Grama, “Twisted Kähler–Einstein metrics on flag varieties”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2024, mana.202300553  crossref
  5. Lucy Moser-Jauslin, Ronan Terpereau, “Forms of almost homogeneous varieties over perfect fields”, Annales Henri Lebesgue, 7, 2024, 357  crossref
  6. S. A. Gaifullin, D. A. Chunaev, “Varieties with a Torus Action of Complexity One Having a Finite Number of Automorphism Group Orbits”, J Math Sci, 284, no. 4, 2024, 442  crossref
  7. Alexander Sherman, “Ghost Distributions on Supersymmetric Spaces I: Koszul Induced Superspaces, Branching, and the Full Ghost Centre”, Transformation Groups, 2024  crossref
  8. David Bourqui, Kevin Langlois, Hussein Mourtada, “The Nash problem for torus actions of complexity one”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2024  crossref
  9. Eder M. Correa, “DHYM connections on higher rank holomorphic vector bundles over ${\mathbb {P}}(T_{{\mathbb {P}^{2}}})$”, Math. Z., 308, no. 2, 2024, 36  crossref
  10. Dmitri I. Panyushev, “Orbits and invariants for coisotropy representations”, manuscripta math., 176, no. 1, 2025, 2  crossref