675 citations to 10.1063/1.166272 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Vasily E. Tarasov, “Nonlocal statistical mechanics: General fractional Liouville equations and their solutions”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 609, 2023, 128366  crossref
  2. Fahimeh Saberi Zafarghandi, Maryam Mohammadi, “Numerical approximations for the Riesz space fractional advection-dispersion equations via radial basis functions”, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 144, 2019, 59  crossref
  3. Oleg Yevtushenko, Sergej Flach, Klaus Richter, “ac-driven phase-dependent directed diffusion”, Phys. Rev. E, 61, no. 6, 2000, 7215  crossref
  4. P.P. Kostrobij, B.M. Markovych, O.V. Viznovych, M.V. Tokarchuk, “Generalized transport equation with nonlocality of space–time. Zubarev’s NSO method”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 514, 2019, 63  crossref
  5. Alexander Apelblat, Francesco Mainardi, “Application of the Efros Theorem to the Function Represented by the Inverse Laplace Transform of s−μ exp(−sν)”, Symmetry, 13, no. 2, 2021, 354  crossref
  6. Lorenzo Toniazzi, “Stochastic classical solutions for space–time fractional evolution equations on a bounded domain”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 469, no. 2, 2019, 594  crossref
  7. Nikhil Srivastava, Aman Singh, Yashveer Kumar, Vineet Kumar Singh, “Efficient numerical algorithms for Riesz-space fractional partial differential equations based on finite difference/operational matrix”, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 161, 2021, 244  crossref
  8. Mirko D’ovidio, Enzo Orsingher, Bruno Toaldo, “Time-Changed Processes Governed by Space-Time Fractional Telegraph Equations”, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 32, no. 6, 2014, 1009  crossref
  9. Mohamed Ridha Znaidi, Gaurav Gupta, Kamiar Asgari, Paul Bogdan, “Identifying Arguments of Space-Time Fractional Diffusion: Data-Driven Approach”, Front. Appl. Math. Stat., 6, 2020, 14  crossref
  10. Komal Prasad Sharma, Alok Bhargava, D. L. Suthar, Kamal Shah, “Application of the Laplace Transform to a New Form of Fractional Kinetic Equation Involving the Composition of the Galúe Struve Function and the Mittag–Leffler Function”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022, 2022, 1  crossref