124 citations to 10.1016/S0550-3213(02)00583-7 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. K K Kozlowski, V Terras, “Long-time and large-distance asymptotic behavior of the current–current correlators in the non-linear Schrödinger model”, J. Stat. Mech., 2011, no. 09, 2011, P09013  crossref
  2. Árpád Hegedűs, “Lattice approach to finite volume form-factors of the Massive Thirring (Sine-Gordon) model”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2017, no. 8, 2017, 59  crossref
  3. G Niccoli, “An antiperiodic dynamical six-vertex model: I. Complete spectrum by SOV, matrix elements of the identity on separate states and connections to the periodic eight-vertex model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 46, no. 7, 2013, 075003  crossref
  4. S.G. McAteer, M. Wheeler, “Factorizing F -matrices and the XXZ spin-12chain: A diagrammatic perspective”, Nuclear Physics B, 851, no. 2, 2011, 346  crossref
  5. Nikita Slavnov, “Introduction to the nested algebraic Bethe ansatz”, SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes, 2020, 19  crossref
  6. N Kitanine, K Kozlowski, J M Maillet, N A Slavnov, V Terras, “On correlation functions of integrable models associated with the six-vertexR-matrix”, J. Stat. Mech., 2007, no. 01, 2007, P01022  crossref
  7. D Levy-Bencheton, V Terras, “An algebraic Bethe ansatz approach to form factors and correlation functions of the cyclic eight-vertex solid-on-solid model”, J. Stat. Mech., 2013, no. 04, 2013, P04015  crossref
  8. Lorenzo Piroli, Eric Vernier, Pasquale Calabrese, “Exact steady states for quantum quenches in integrable Heisenberg spin chains”, Phys. Rev. B, 94, no. 5, 2016, 054313  crossref
  9. Jun Sato, Masahiro Shiroishi, “Fifth-neighbour spin–spin correlator for the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 38, no. 21, 2005, L405  crossref
  10. N. Kitanine, J.M. Maillet, N.A. Slavnov, V. Terras, “Dynamical correlation functions of the spin- chain”, Nuclear Physics B, 729, no. 3, 2005, 558  crossref