163 citations to 10.1002/cpa.3160290603 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. V. V. Goryunov, “Vector fields and functions on discriminants of complete intersections and on bifurcation diagrams of projections”, J Math Sci, 52, no. 4, 1990, 3231  crossref
  2. D R J Chillingworth, “Critical points and symmetries of a free energy function for biaxial nematic liquid crystals”, Nonlinearity, 28, no. 5, 2015, 1483  crossref
  3. J. J. Nuño-Ballesteros, R. Oset Sinha, “Liftable vector fields, unfoldings and augmentations”, Geom Dedicata, 215, no. 1, 2021, 147  crossref
  4. Richard Haberman, “The initial formation and structure of two-dimensional diffusive shock waves”, Wave Motion, 8, no. 3, 1986, 267  crossref
  5. G. Marmo, G. Morandi, N. Mukunda, “A geometrical approach to the Hamilton-Jacobi form of dynamics and its generalizations”, Riv. Nuovo Cim., 13, no. 8, 1990, 1  crossref
  6. Marco Antonio Teixeira, “On topological stability of divergent diagrams of folds”, Math Z, 180, no. 2, 1982, 361  crossref
  7. Ady Cambraia, Abílio Lemos, “On affine evolutoids”, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 43, no. 2, 2020, 193  crossref
  8. A. N. Varchenko, A. B. Givental’, “Mapping of periods and intersection form”, Funct Anal Its Appl, 16, no. 2, 1982, 83  crossref
  9. Job Feldbrugge, Rien van de Weygaert, Johan Hidding, Joost Feldbrugge, “Caustic Skeleton & Cosmic Web”, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 2018, no. 05, 2018, 027  crossref
  10. V. I. Arnol'd, “Lagrange and Legendre cobordisms. II”, Funct Anal Its Appl, 14, no. 4, 1981, 252  crossref