66 citations to 10.1007/BF02101512 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Valentin Bonzom, Maïté Dupuis, Florian Girelli, Qiaoyin Pan, “Local observables in SUq(2) lattice gauge theory”, Phys. Rev. D, 107, no. 2, 2023, 026014  crossref
  2. Andrey Mudrov, “On Dynamical Adjoint Functor”, Appl Categor Struct, 21, no. 5, 2013, 449  crossref
  3. G. E. Arutyunov, “Graded Poisson Lie structures on classical complex Lie groups”, Commun.Math. Phys., 177, no. 3, 1996, 673  crossref
  4. Meifang Chu, Peter Goddard, “Quantisation of a particle moving on a group manifold”, Physics Letters B, 337, no. 3-4, 1994, 285  crossref
  5. Branislav Jurčo, “More on quantum groups from the quantization point of view”, Commun.Math. Phys., 166, no. 1, 1994, 63  crossref
  6. P. P. Kulish, R. Sasaki, C. Schwiebert, “Constant solutions of reflection equations and quantum groups”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 34, no. 1, 1993, 286  crossref
  7. A V Tsiganov, “Dynamical boundary conditions for integrable lattices”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 31, no. 39, 1998, 8049  crossref
  8. P. N. Bibikov, P. P. Kulish, “Dirac operators on the quantum group SU(2) and the quantum sphere”, J Math Sci, 100, no. 2, 2000, 2039  crossref
  9. P Furlan, L K Hadjiivanov, I T Todorov, “Chiral zero modes of theSU(n) Wess Zumino Novikov Witten model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 36, no. 13, 2003, 3855  crossref
  10. P Furlan, L K Hadjiivanov, A P Isaev, O V Ogievetsky, P N Pyatov, I T Todorov, “Quantum matrix algebra for theSU(n) WZNW model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 36, no. 20, 2003, 5497  crossref