48 citations to 10.1007/BF02101600 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. C. Micu, E. Papp, “Applying the virial and Hellmann–Feynman theorems to the generalized q-symmetrized Harper equation”, Physics Letters A, 314, no. 1-2, 2003, 10  crossref
  2. Vladimir V. Bazhanov, Anthony N. Hibberd, Sergey M. Khoroshkin, “Integrable structure of Conformal Field Theory, Quantum Boussinesq Theory and Boundary Affine Toda Theory”, Nuclear Physics B, 622, no. 3, 2002, 475  crossref
  3. Yasuyuki Hatsuda, Hosho Katsura, Yuji Tachikawa, “Hofstadter’s butterfly in quantum geometry”, New J. Phys., 18, no. 10, 2016, 103023  crossref
  4. Guanling Li, Wenlei Zhao, “Quadratic Growth of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators in Quantum Kicked Rotor Model”, Entropy, 26, no. 3, 2024, 229  crossref
  5. Li Min-Si, Liu Yan-Na, “Quantum Group Symmetry in Hofstadter Problem”, Commun. Theor. Phys., 50, no. 2, 2008, 517  crossref
  6. Naruhiko Aizawa, Haru-Tada Sato, “Hom-Lie-Virasoro symmetries in Bloch electron systems and quantum plane in tight binding models”, Nuclear Physics B, 995, 2023, 116336  crossref
  7. Indubala I Satija, Michael Wilkinson, “Nests and chains of Hofstadter butterflies”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 53, no. 8, 2020, 085703  crossref
  8. Jun-Won Rhim, Kwon Park, “Self-similar occurrence of massless Dirac particles in graphene under a magnetic field”, Phys. Rev. B, 86, no. 23, 2012, 235411  crossref
  9. AHMED JELLAL, “THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF A QUANTUM GROUP BOSON GAS GLp,q(2)”, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 17, no. 12, 2002, 701  crossref
  10. Pascal Baseilhac, “Deformed Dolan–Grady relations in quantum integrable models”, Nuclear Physics B, 709, no. 3, 2005, 491  crossref