31 citations to 10.1016/j.geomphys.2009.03.008 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Genki Ouchi, “Lagrangian embeddings of cubic fourfolds containing a plane”, Compositio Math., 153, no. 5, 2017, 947  crossref
  2. Enrico Fatighenti, Giovanni Mongardi, “A note on a Griffiths-type ring for complete intersections in Grassmannians”, Math. Z., 299, no. 3-4, 2021, 1651  crossref
  3. Evgeny Shinder, Andrey Soldatenkov, “On the geometry of the Lehn–Lehn–Sorger–van Straten eightfold”, Kyoto J. Math., 57, no. 4, 2017  crossref
  4. Kiryong Chung, Han-Bom Moon, “Mori's Program for the Moduli Space of Conics in Grassmannian”, Taiwanese J. Math., 21, no. 3, 2017  crossref
  5. Tony Pantev, Bertrand Toën, Michel Vaquié, Gabriele Vezzosi, “Shifted symplectic structures”, Publ.math.IHES, 117, no. 1, 2013, 271  crossref
  6. Roland Abuaf, “Hodge numbers and Hodge structures for 3-Calabi–Yau categories”, Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques, 32, no. 2, 2023, 337  crossref
  7. Duiliu-Emanuel Diaconescu, Artan Sheshmani, Shing-Tung Yau, “Atiyah class and sheaf counting on local Calabi Yau fourfolds”, Advances in Mathematics, 368, 2020, 107132  crossref
  8. Nicolas Addington, Manfred Lehn, “On the symplectic eightfold associated to a Pfaffian cubic fourfold”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2017, no. 731, 2017, 129  crossref
  9. Arend Bayer, Martí Lahoz, Emanuele Macrì, Howard Nuer, Alexander Perry, Paolo Stellari, “Stability conditions in families”, Publ.math.IHES, 133, no. 1, 2021, 157  crossref
  10. Lie Fu, Robert Laterveer, Charles Vial, “Multiplicative Chow–Künneth decompositions and varieties of cohomological K3 type”, Annali di Matematica, 200, no. 5, 2021, 2085  crossref