28 citations to 10.1023/A:1021783020548 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Hajer Bouzaouache, “Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Optimization Based Algorithm for Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems with Controlled Switching”, Complexity, 2017, 2017, 1  crossref
  2. V. G. Boltyanski, “Separation of convex cones and extremal problems”, Optimization Methods and Software, 20, no. 2-3, 2005, 189  crossref
  3. Rory Biggs, Claudiu C. Remsing, Lie Groups, Differential Equations, and Geometry, 2017, 127  crossref
  4. Wouter Jongeneel, Emmanuel Moulay, Topological Obstructions to Stability and Stabilization, 2023, 1  crossref
  5. Naijing Jiang, Dingxu Guo, Shu Zhang, Dan Zhang, Jian Xu, “Cascade control of underactuated manipulator based on reinforcement learning framework”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 237, no. 2, 2023, 231  crossref
  6. Jose A. De Dona, Jean Levine, 2013 Australian Control Conference, 2013, 53  crossref
  7. John Bechhoefer, “Feedback for physicists: A tutorial essay on control”, Rev. Mod. Phys., 77, no. 3, 2005, 783  crossref
  8. Karmvir Singh Phogat, Debasish Chatterjee, Ravi N. Banavar, “A discrete-time Pontryagin maximum principle on matrix Lie groups”, Automatica, 97, 2018, 376  crossref
  9. Optimal Control in Bioprocesses, 2019, 237  crossref
  10. Martin J. Gander, Felix Kwok, Gerhard Wanner, 101, Optimization with PDE Constraints, 2014, 151  crossref