26 citations to 10.1103/PhysRevE.64.036222 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Almas F Sadreev, Karl-Fredrik Berggren, “Signatures of quantum chaos in complex wavefunctions describing open billiards”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 38, no. 49, 2005, 10787  crossref
  2. U Kuhl, H-J Stöckmann, R Weaver, “Classical wave experiments on chaotic scattering”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 38, no. 49, 2005, 10433  crossref
  3. Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Dmitrii N. Maksimov, Almas F. Sadreev, Ruven Höhmann, Ulrich Kuhl, Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann, “Quantum stress in chaotic billiards”, Phys. Rev. E, 77, no. 6, 2008, 066209  crossref
  4. Karl-Fredrik Berggren, Almas F. Sadreev, Anton A. Starikov, “Crossover from regular to irregular behavior in current flow through open billiards”, Phys. Rev. E, 66, no. 1, 2002, 016218  crossref
  5. Dmitrii N. Maksimov, Almas F. Sadreev, “Statistics of nodal points of in-plane random waves in elastic media”, Phys. Rev. E, 77, no. 5, 2008, 056204  crossref
  6. L. De Angelis, L. Kuipers, “Effective pair-interaction of phase singularities in random waves”, Opt. Lett., 46, no. 11, 2021, 2734  crossref
  7. Evgeny N. Bulgakov, Almas F. Sadreev, “Giant optical vortex in photonic crystal waveguide with nonlinear optical cavity”, Phys. Rev. B, 85, no. 16, 2012, 165305  crossref
  8. M R Dennis, “Correlations and screening of topological charges in Gaussian random fields”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 36, no. 24, 2003, 6611  crossref
  9. Hiromu Ishio, Alexander I. Saichev, Almas F. Sadreev, Karl-Fredrik Berggren, “Wave function statistics for ballistic quantum transport through chaotic open billiards: Statistical crossover and coexistence of regular and chaotic waves”, Phys. Rev. E, 64, no. 5, 2001, 056208  crossref
  10. Mark R. Dennis, Kevin O'Holleran, Miles J. Padgett, 53, 2009, 293  crossref