12 citations to 10.1109/TAI.2021.3123928 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Yinsong Chen, Samson S. Yu, Chee Peng Lim, Peng Shi, “Multi-Objective Estimation of Optimal Prediction Intervals for Wind Power Forecasting”, IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, 15, no. 2, 2024, 974  crossref
  2. Qiannan Zhu, Feng Jiang, Chaoshun Li, “Time-varying interval prediction and decision-making for short-term wind power using convolutional gated recurrent unit and multi-objective elephant clan optimization”, Energy, 271, 2023, 127006  crossref
  3. Markos A. Kousounadis-Knousen, Ioannis K. Bazionis, Dimitrios Soudris, Francky Catthoor, Pavlos S. Georgilakis, “A New Co-Optimized Hybrid Model Based on Multi-Objective Optimization for Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting in a Spatio–Temporal Framework”, IEEE Access, 11, 2023, 84885  crossref
  4. Fang Liu, Qianyi Liu, Qing Tao, Yucong Huang, Danyun Li, Denis Sidorov, “Deep reinforcement learning based energy storage management strategy considering prediction intervals of wind power”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 145, 2023, 108608  crossref
  5. Jinhao Shi, Bo Wang, Kaiyi Luo, Yifei Wu, Min Zhou, Junzo Watada, “Ultra-short-term wind power interval prediction based on multi-task learning and generative critic networks”, Energy, 272, 2023, 127116  crossref
  6. Yukuan Wang, Jingxian Liu, Ryan Wen Liu, Weihuang Wu, Yang Liu, “Interval prediction of vessel trajectory based on lower and upper bound estimation and attention-modified LSTM with bayesian optimization”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 630, 2023, 129275  crossref
  7. Zhaoran Liu, Yizhi Cao, Hu Xu, Yuxin Huang, Qunshan He, Xinjie Chen, Xiaoyu Tang, Xinggao Liu, “Hidformer: Hierarchical dual-tower transformer using multi-scale mergence for long-term time series forecasting”, Expert Systems with Applications, 239, 2024, 122412  crossref
  8. Chao Zhang, Defu Jiang, Yiyue Gao, Kanghui Jiang, Biying Jiang, “A hierarchical tensor error correction GRU model”, Information Sciences, 642, 2023, 119156  crossref
  9. Chao Zhang, Defu Jiang, Kanghui Jiang, Biying Jiang, “A hierarchical multivariate denoising diffusion model”, Information Sciences, 648, 2023, 119623  crossref
  10. Xiaoyu Yu, Yuzhu Luo, Jianjun Wang, Shujiao Tian, Xiuyuan Peng, 2024 36th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2024, 3977  crossref