8 citations to 10.1007/s00022-011-0061-7 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. D A Slutskii, “A necessary flexibility condition for a nondegenerate suspension in Lobachevsky 3-space”, Sb. Math., 204, no. 8, 2013, 1195  crossref
  2. Victor Alexandrov, “The spectrum of the Laplacian in a domain bounded by a flexible polyhedron in $\mathbb R^d$ does not always remain unaltered during the flex”, J. Geom., 111, no. 2, 2020, 32  crossref
  3. Victor Alexandrov, Robert Connelly, “Flexible suspensions with a hexagonal equator”, Illinois J. Math., 55, no. 1, 2011  crossref
  4. Victor Alexandrov, “A sufficient condition for a polyhedron to be rigid”, J. Geom., 110, no. 2, 2019, 38  crossref
  5. Иджад Хакович Сабитов, Idzhad Khakovich Sabitov, “Алгебраические методы решения многогранников”, УМН, 66, no. 3, 2011, 3  crossref
  6. V. A. Alexandrov, “The set of nondegenerate flexible polyhedra of a prescribed combinatorial structure is not always algebraic”, Sib Math J, 56, no. 4, 2015, 569  crossref
  7. Alexander A. Gaifullin, Leonid S. Ignashchenko, “Dehn Invariant and Scissors Congruence of Flexible Polyhedra”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 302, no. 1, 2018, 130  crossref
  8. Дмитрий Анатольевич Слуцкий, Dmitrii Anatol'evich Slutskii, “Необходимое условие изгибаемости невырожденной подвески в пространстве Лобачевского”, Математический сборник, 204, no. 8, 2013, 117  crossref