26 citations to 10.1007/978-3-662-06800-7 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Jaume Llibre, Rafael Ramírez, Valentín Ramírez, Dynamics through First-Order Differential Equations in the Configuration Space, 2023, 1  crossref
  2. Oscar E Fernandez, Anthony M Bloch, “Equivalence of the dynamics of nonholonomic and variational nonholonomic systems for certain initial data”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 41, no. 34, 2008, 344005  crossref
  3. Mikhail A. Sokolovskiy, Jacques Verron, 47, Dynamics of Vortex Structures in a Stratified Rotating Fluid, 2014, 179  crossref
  4. Valery Vasil'evich Kozlov, “Тензорные инварианты и интегрирование дифференциальных уравнений”, Успехи математических наук, 74, no. 1(445), 2019, 117  crossref
  5. Valery Vasil'evich Kozlov, “Квадратичные законы сохранения уравнений математической физики”, Успехи математических наук, 75, no. 3(453), 2020, 55  crossref
  6. Valery V. Kozlov, “On invariant manifolds of nonholonomic systems”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 17, no. 2, 2012, 131  crossref
  7. L. Alboul, J. Mencía, R. Ramírez, N. Sadovskaia, “On the determination of the potential function from given orbits”, Czech Math J, 58, no. 3, 2008, 799  crossref
  8. J. Vankerschaver, E. Kanso, J. E. Marsden, “The dynamics of a rigid body in potential flow with circulation”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 15, no. 4-5, 2010, 606  crossref
  9. Mikhail A. Sokolovskiy, Jacques Verron, 47, Dynamics of Vortex Structures in a Stratified Rotating Fluid, 2014, 37  crossref
  10. Jaume Llibre, Rafael Ramírez, Valentín Ramírez, Dynamics through First-Order Differential Equations in the Configuration Space, 2023, 33  crossref