6 citations to 10.1016/j.geomphys.2020.103716 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Yves Martinez-Maure, David Rochera, “Zindler-type hypersurfaces in R4”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 182, 2022, 104664  crossref
  2. M A Nikulin, Th Yu Popelensky, A I Shafarevich, “Asymptotic behaviour of energy levels of a quantum free particle in an elliptic sector”, Phys. Scr., 99, no. 1, 2024, 015207  crossref
  3. Misha Bialy, Gil Bor, Serge Tabachnikov, “Self-Bäcklund curves in centroaffine geometry and Lamé’s equation”, Comm. Amer. Math. Soc., 2, no. 6, 2022, 232  crossref
  4. Sean Gasiorek, “On the dynamics of inverse magnetic billiards”, Nonlinearity, 34, no. 3, 2021, 1503  crossref
  5. M J Dias Carneiro, S Oliffson Kamphorst, S Pinto-de-Carvalho, C H Vieira Morais, “On the role of the surface geometry in convex billiards”, Nonlinearity, 37, no. 11, 2024, 115020  crossref
  6. David Rochera, “Zindler curves in non-Euclidean geometry”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2024, 105402  crossref