15 citations to 10.1142/S1402925111001507 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Alexander Vladimirovich Vershilov, Andrey Vladimirovich Tsiganov, “On One Integrable System With a Cubic First Integral”, Lett Math Phys, 101, no. 2, 2012, 143  crossref
  2. Andrey V. Tsiganov, “Simultaneous separation for the Neumann and Chaplygin systems”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 20, no. 1, 2015, 74  crossref
  3. Андрей Владимирович Цыганов, Andrey Vladimirovich Tsiganov, “О двух интегрируемых системах с интегралами движения четвертой степени”, Теоретическая и математическая физика, 186, no. 3, 2016, 443  crossref
  4. I A Bizyaev, A V Tsiganov, “On the Routh sphere problem”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 46, no. 8, 2013, 085202  crossref
  5. Andrey V. Tsiganov, “One invariant measure and different poisson brackets for two non-holonomic systems”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 17, no. 1, 2012, 72  crossref
  6. Andrey Tsiganov, “Poisson structures for two nonholonomic systems with partially reduced symmetries”, Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 6, no. 3, 2014, 417  crossref
  7. A. V. Tsiganov, “Two integrable systems with integrals of motion of degree four”, Theor Math Phys, 186, no. 3, 2016, 383  crossref
  8. Andrey V. Tsiganov, “Killing tensors with nonvanishing Haantjes torsion and integrable systems”, Regul. Chaot. Dyn., 20, no. 4, 2015, 463  crossref
  9. Jafar Abedi-Fardad, Adel Rezaei-Aghdam, Ghorbanali Haghighatdoost, “Some compatible Poisson structures and integrable bi-Hamiltonian systems on four dimensional and nilpotent six dimensional symplectic real Lie groups”, JNMP, 24, no. 2, 2021, 149  crossref
  10. Yu. A. Grigoryev, V. A. Khudobakhshov, A. V. Tsiganov, “Separation of variables for some systems with a fourth-order integral of motion”, Theor Math Phys, 177, no. 3, 2013, 1680  crossref