69 citations to 10.1016/j.aim.2003.07.006 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Ivan Kaygorodov, Mykola Khrypchenko, “Transposed Poisson structures on Lie incidence algebras”, Journal of Algebra, 647, 2024, 458  crossref
  2. Andrey Soldatenkov, Misha Verbitsky, “k-symplectic structures and absolutely trianalytic subvarieties in hyperkähler manifolds”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 92, 2015, 147  crossref
  3. Claude Cibils, Eduardo N. Marcos, “Resolving by a free action linear category and applications to Hochschild-Mitchell (co)homology”, Journal of Algebra, 591, 2022, 117  crossref
  4. Jinting Liang, Jiefeng Liu, Chengming Bai, “Admissible Poisson bialgebras”, Int. J. Math., 32, no. 14, 2021, 2150106  crossref
  5. Samuel Boissière, “On the McKay correspondences for the Hilbert scheme of points on the affine plane”, Math. Ann., 334, no. 2, 2006, 419  crossref
  6. Briana Foster-Greenwood, “Comparing Codimension and Absolute Length in Complex Reflection Groups”, Communications in Algebra, 42, no. 10, 2014, 4350  crossref
  7. Tom Gannon, “Proof of the Ginzburg-Kazhdan conjecture”, Advances in Mathematics, 448, 2024, 109701  crossref
  8. Daniel Kaplan, Travis Schedler, “Crepant Resolutions of Stratified Varieties via Gluing”, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2024, rnae135  crossref
  9. Eugene Gorsky, Oscar Kivinen, Alexei Oblomkov, “The affine Springer fiber – sheaf correspondence”, Advances in Mathematics, 464, 2025, 110143  crossref