8 citations to 10.1007/s10883-012-9137-4 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. A. O. Remizov, F. Tari, “Singularities of the geodesic flow on surfaces with pseudo-Riemannian metrics”, Geom Dedicata, 185, no. 1, 2016, 131  crossref
  2. Atsufumi Honda, Kentaro Saji, Keisuke Teramoto, “Mixed type surfaces with bounded Gaussian curvature in three-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds”, Advances in Mathematics, 365, 2020, 107036  crossref
  3. N. G. Pavlova, A. O. Remizov, “Completion of the classification of generic singularities of geodesic flows in two classes of metrics”, Izv. Math., 83, no. 1, 2019, 104  crossref
  4. João C.R. Medrado, Lucyjane A. Silva, “Codimension–one singularities of Constrained systems on R3”, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 177, 2022, 103142  crossref
  5. Natalia Gennadievna Pavlova, Alexey Olegovich Remizov, “Завершение классификации типичных особенностей геодезических потоков в метриках двух классов”, Известия Российской академии наук. Серия математическая, 83, no. 1, 2019, 119  crossref
  6. L. Ortiz-Bobadilla, E. Rosales-González, S. M. Voronin, “Analytic Classification of Foliations Induced by Germs of Holomorphic Vector Fields in

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    $(\mathbb {C}^{n},0)$ with Non-isolated Singularities”, J Dyn Control Syst, 25, no. 3, 2019, 491  crossref
  7. A.O. Remizov, “On the local and global properties of geodesics in pseudo-Riemannian metrics”, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 39, 2015, 36  crossref
  8. N. G. Pavlova, A. O. Remizov, 222, Singularities and Foliations. Geometry, Topology and Applications, 2018, 135  crossref