8 citations to 10.1016/S0550-3213(00)00205-4 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Hrachya Babujian, Rubik Poghossian, George Savvidy, “Correlation Functions of Quantum Artin System”, Universe, 6, no. 7, 2020, 91  crossref
  2. Maciej Trzetrzelewski, “Large N behavior of two dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills quantum mechanics”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48, no. 1, 2007, 012302  crossref
  3. G. Savvidy, “Maximally Chaotic Dynamical Systems of Anosov–Kolmogorov”, Phys. Part. Nuclei, 51, no. 4, 2020, 410  crossref
  4. Mariusz Hynek, “Optimized Fock space in the large N limit of quartic interactions in matrix models”, Nuclear Physics B, 906, 2016, 497  crossref
  5. Leonardo P. G. de Assis, José A. Helayël-Neto, Ricardo C. Paschoal, “Supersymmetry and Integrability in Planar Mechanical Systems”, Int J Theor Phys, 46, no. 11, 2007, 2983  crossref
  6. Jonas Björnsson, Stephen Hwang, “Stretched quantum membranes”, Nuclear Physics B, 727, no. 1-2, 2005, 77  crossref
  7. George Savvidy, “Maximally chaotic dynamical systems of Anosov–Kolmogorov and fundamental interactions”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 37, no. 09, 2022, 2230001  crossref
  8. George Savvidy, “Maximally chaotic dynamical systems”, Annals of Physics, 421, 2020, 168274  crossref