73 citations to 10.1007/s10898-019-00853-3 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Roberto Cavoretto, Alessandra De Rossi, Sandro Lancellotti, “Bayesian approach for radial kernel parameter tuning”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 441, 2024, 115716  crossref
  2. Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, Maria Chiara Nasso, Daniela Lera, “Numerical methods using two different approximations of space-filling curves for black-box global optimization”, J Glob Optim, 88, no. 3, 2024, 707  crossref
  3. Leonardo Lai, Lorenzo Fiaschi, Marco Cococcioni, Kalyanmoy Deb, 43, Numerical Infinities and Infinitesimals in Optimization, 2022, 183  crossref
  4. Mikhail A. Posypkin, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, “Efficient smooth minorants for global optimization of univariate functions with the first derivative satisfying the interval Lipschitz condition”, J Glob Optim, 2022  crossref
  5. Petr Fedoseev, Artur Karimov, Vincent Legat, Denis Butusov, “Preference and Stability Regions for Semi-Implicit Composition Schemes”, Mathematics, 10, no. 22, 2022, 4327  crossref
  6. A. Khalili, V. Ghanbari, M. Hemami, “A Local Scheme for Numerical Simulation of Multi-dimensional Dynamic Quantum Model: Application to Decision-making”, Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math, 8, no. 4, 2022, 187  crossref
  7. Daniela Lera, Mikhail Posypkin, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, “Space-filling curves for numerical approximation and visualization of solutions to systems of nonlinear inequalities with applications in robotics”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 390, 2021, 125660  crossref
  8. Bing-yi Miao, Xian-cheng Wang, Jun-hua Chen, Chu-hua Jiang, Meng-yao Qu, “A Novel Non-Contact Measurement Method of Ball Screw Thread Profile Detection Based on Machine Vision”, Measurement Science Review, 23, no. 1, 2023, 47  crossref
  9. Roberto Cavoretto, Alessandra De Rossi, Francesco Dell’Accio, Filomena Di Tommaso, Najoua Siar, Alvise Sommariva, Marco Vianello, “Numerical cubature on scattered data by adaptive interpolation”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 444, 2024, 115793  crossref
  10. C.S. Chen, Andreas Karageorghis, Lionel Amuzu, “Kansa RBF collocation method with auxiliary boundary centres for high order BVPs”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 398, 2021, 113680  crossref