13 citations to 10.1007/BF02392810 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Fedor A. Bogomolov, Paolo Cascini, Bruno de Oliveira, “Singularities on complete algebraic varieties”, centr.eur.j.math., 4, no. 2, 2006, 194  crossref
  2. Charles L. Epstein, “Cobordism, Relative Indices and Stein Fillings”, J Geom Anal, 18, no. 2, 2008, 341  crossref
  3. Chin-Yu Hsiao, Xiaoshan Li, George Marinescu, “On the stability of equivariant embedding of compact CR manifolds with circle action”, Math. Z., 289, no. 1-2, 2018, 201  crossref
  4. Chin-Yu Hsiao, Rung-Tzung Huang, Xiaoshan Li, Guokuan Shao, “S1-equivariant Index theorems and Morse inequalities on complex manifolds with boundary”, Journal of Functional Analysis, 279, no. 3, 2020, 108558  crossref
  5. Peter Greiner, Wolfgang Staubach, Wei Wang, “A relative index on the space of 3‐dimensional embeddable CR‐structures of finite type”, Mathematische Nachrichten, 278, no. 4, 2005, 379  crossref
  6. George Marinescu, Nader Yeganefar, “Embeddability of some strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 359, no. 10, 2007, 4757  crossref
  7. Bo Berndtsson, Serguei Vital'evich Kislyakov, Roman Gennadievich Novikov, Viktor Meerovich Polterovich, Petr Lazarevich Polyakov, Alexander Evgen'evich Tumanov, Aleksandr Alekseevich Shananin, Charles L Epstein, “Геннадий Маркович Хенкин (некролог)”, Успехи математических наук, 72, no. 3(435), 2017, 170  crossref
  8. Ronan J. Conlon, Hans-Joachim Hein, “Classification of asymptotically conical Calabi–Yau manifolds”, Duke Math. J., -1, no. -1, 2024  crossref
  9. Chin-Yu Hsiao, George Marinescu, “Szegö kernel asymptotics and Morse inequalities on CR manifolds”, Math. Z., 271, no. 1-2, 2012, 509  crossref
  10. Sean N. Curry, Peter Ebenfelt, “Deformations and embeddings of three-dimensional strictly pseudoconvex CR manifolds”, Math. Ann., 389, no. 1, 2024, 627  crossref