124 citations to 10.1038/417260a (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Sebastian von Hausegger, Bruno Lévy, Roya Mohayaee, “Accurate Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Reconstruction via Semidiscrete Optimal Transport”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, no. 20, 2022, 201302  crossref
  2. Nicolas Papadakis, Gabriel Peyré, Edouard Oudet, “Optimal Transport with Proximal Splitting”, SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 7, no. 1, 2014, 212  crossref
  3. Pierre‐André Chiappori, Robert J. McCann, Brendan Pass, “Multi‐to One‐Dimensional Optimal Transport”, Comm Pure Appl Math, 70, no. 12, 2017, 2405  crossref
  4. Luigi Ambrosio, Aymeric Baradat, Yann Brenier, “Monge–Ampère gravitation as a Γ-limit of good rate functions”, Analysis & PDE, 16, no. 9, 2023, 2005  crossref
  5. Brittany D. Froese, “Meshfree finite difference approximations for functions of the eigenvalues of the Hessian”, Numer. Math., 138, no. 1, 2018, 75  crossref
  6. Cornelius Rampf, Barbara Villone, Uriel Frisch, “How smooth are particle trajectories in a ΛCDM Universe?”, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 452, no. 2, 2015, 1421  crossref
  7. Farnik Nikakhtar, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Bruno Lévy, Ravi K. Sheth, Roya Mohayaee, “Optimal transport reconstruction of biased tracers in redshift space”, Phys. Rev. D, 108, no. 8, 2023, 083534  crossref
  8. Xingpeng Dong, Dinghui Yang, Hejun Zhu, Yun Chen, “Geometry-preserving full-waveform tomography and its application in the Longmen Shan area”, Sci. China Earth Sci., 65, no. 3, 2022, 437  crossref
  9. Florian List, Oliver Hahn, Cornelius Rampf, “Starting Cosmological Simulations from the Big Bang”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, no. 13, 2024, 131003  crossref
  10. Robert J. Berman, Magnus Önnheim, “Propagation of chaos, Wasserstein gradient flows and toric Kähler–Einstein metrics”, Analysis & PDE, 11, no. 6, 2018, 1343  crossref