110 citations to 10.1142/S0217751X95000905 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Anjan Kundu, “New series of integrable vertex models through a unifying approach”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 35, no. 29, 2002, L447  crossref
  2. Anjan Kundu, “Algebraic Approach in Unifying Quantum Integrable Models”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, no. 20, 1999, 3936  crossref
  3. V Gritsev, D Baeriswyl, “Exactly soluble isotropic spin-½ ladder models”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 36, no. 49, 2003, 12129  crossref
  4. Anastasia Doikou, Simon J.A. Malham, Anke Wiese, “Stochastic analysis & discrete quantum systems”, Nuclear Physics B, 945, 2019, 114658  crossref
  5. Евгений Викторович Дамаскинский, Eugeniy Viktorovich Damaskinsky, Петр Петрович Кулиш, Petr Petrovich Kulish, Масуд Чайчиан, Masud Chaichian, “Динамические системы, связанные с $R$-матрицей Креммера - Жерве”, ТМФ, 116, no. 1, 1998, 101  crossref
  6. A M Semikhatov, I Yu Tipunin, “Quantum walled Brauer algebra: commuting families, Baxterization, and representations”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 50, no. 6, 2017, 065202  crossref
  7. G. Grensing, “Abelian Chern-Simons theory and quantum symmetry”, Physics Letters B, 419, no. 1-4, 1998, 258  crossref
  8. A. Hutsalyuk, B. Pozsgay, “Integrability breaking in the one-dimensional Bose gas: Atomic losses and energy loss”, Phys. Rev. E, 103, no. 4, 2021, 042121  crossref
  9. Sylvain Prolhac, “KPZ fluctuations in finite volume”, SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes, 2024, 81  crossref
  10. Harshit Sharma, Udaysinh T. Bhosale, “Signatures of quantum integrability and exactly solvable dynamics in an infinite-range many-body Floquet spin system”, Phys. Rev. B, 110, no. 6, 2024, 064313  crossref