3 citations to 10.1142/9789813230774_0002 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Alexander V. Manzhirov, Dmitry A. Parshin, 2133, CENTRAL EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON THERMOPHYSICS 2019 (CEST), 2019, 380014  crossref
  2. Alexander V. Manzhirov, Evgenii V. Murashkin, Dmitry A. Parshin, 2133, CENTRAL EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON THERMOPHYSICS 2019 (CEST), 2019, 380011  crossref
  3. D A Parshin, “Nonclassical mathematical model for the mechanical analysis of additive manufacturing viscoelastic materials on rotating cylindrical substrates”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1205, 2019, 012044  crossref