10 citations to 10.1016/j.jmateco.2013.05.007 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Emmanuel Lepinette, Tuan Quoc Tran, “General Financial Market Model Defined by a Liquidation Value Process”, SSRN Journal, 2014  crossref
  2. Emmanuel Lepinette, “Robust No Arbitrage of the Second Kind with a Continuum of Assets and Proportional Transaction Costs”, SIAM J. Finan. Math., 7, no. 1, 2016, 104  crossref
  3. Emmanuel Lepinette, Jun Zhao, “Risk-hedging a European option with a convex risk measure and without no-arbitrage condition”, Stochastics, 95, no. 1, 2023, 118  crossref
  4. Gianni Bosi, Magalì Zuanon, 263, Mathematical Topics on Representations of Ordered Structures and Utility Theory, 2020, 213  crossref
  5. Emmanuel Lepinette, “Robust No Arbitrage of the Second Kind with a Continuum of Assets and Proportional Transaction Costs”, SSRN Journal, 2015  crossref
  6. Yuri Kabanov, Emmanuel Lepinette, 151, Set Optimization and Applications - The State of the Art, 2015, 275  crossref
  7. Emmanuel Lepinette, “Random optimization on random sets”, Math Meth Oper Res, 91, no. 1, 2020, 159  crossref
  8. Jun Zhao, Emmanuel Lépinette, Peibiao Zhao, “Pricing under dynamic risk measures”, Open Mathematics, 17, no. 1, 2019, 894  crossref
  9. IMEN BEN TAHAR, EMMANUEL LÉPINETTE, “VECTOR-VALUED COHERENT RISK MEASURE PROCESSES”, Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finan., 17, no. 02, 2014, 1450011  crossref
  10. Emmanuel Lepinette, Tuan Tran, “General financial market model defined by a liquidation value process”, Stochastics, 88, no. 3, 2016, 437  crossref