13 citations to 10.1088/0031-8949/24/5/005 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. M. D. Gould, J. R. Links, “General eigenvalue formula for Casimir invariants of type I quantum superalgebras”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 37, no. 5, 1996, 2426  crossref
  2. Jarmo Hietarinta, “Semiclassical Approximation on a Set of Field Configurations”, Phys. Scr., 24, no. 5, 1981, 897  crossref
  3. Dimitri Gurevich, Pavel Saponov, “Braided Yangians”, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 138, 2019, 124  crossref
  4. Gustav W. Delius, Mark D. Gould, Yao-Zhong Zhang, “On the construction of trigonometric solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation”, Nuclear Physics B, 432, no. 1-2, 1994, 377  crossref
  5. Leon Armenovich Takhtadzhyan, Anton Yur'evich Alekseev, Irina Yaroslavna Aref'eva, Michael Arsen'evich Semenov-Tian-Shansky, Evgeny Konstantinovich Sklyanin, Fedor Aleksandrovich Smirnov, Samson Lulievich Shatashvili, “Научное наследие Л. Д. Фаддеева. Обзор работ”, Успехи математических наук, 72, no. 6(438), 2017, 3  crossref
  6. N.Yu. Reshetikhin, “O(N) invariant quantum field theoretical models: Exact solution”, Nuclear Physics B, 251, 1985, 565  crossref
  7. Jean Michel Maillet, Giuliano Niccoli, Baptiste Pezelier, “Transfer matrix spectrum for cyclic representations of the 6-vertex reflection algebra II”, SciPost Phys., 5, no. 3, 2018, 026  crossref
  8. K A Dancer, P E Finch, P S Isaac, “Universal Baxterization for \bb{Z} -graded Hopf algebras”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 40, no. 50, 2007, F1069  crossref
  9. Tze Chia-Hsiung, Wu Yong-Shi, “Infinite number of local conservation laws for the self-dual SU(2) Yang-Mills system within 't Hooft's ansatz”, Nuclear Physics B, 204, no. 1, 1982, 118  crossref
  10. Ludwig D. Faddeev, Leon A. Takhtajan, Hamiltonian Methods in the Theory of Solitons, 1987, 1  crossref