8 citations to 10.1142/S0129167X96000062 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. V. V. Nikulin, “K3 surfaces with interesting groups of automorphisms”, J Math Sci, 95, no. 1, 1999, 2028  crossref
  2. Daniel Allcock, “Root systems for Lorentzian Kac–Moody algebras in rank 3”, Bulletin of London Math Soc, 47, no. 2, 2015, 325  crossref
  3. Burt Totaro, “The cone conjecture for Calabi-Yau pairs in dimension 2”, Duke Math. J., 154, no. 2, 2010  crossref
  4. Валерий Алексеевич Гриценко, Valerii Alekseevich Gritsenko, Валерий Алексеевич Гриценко, Valerii Alekseevich Gritsenko, Вячеслав Валентинович Никулин, Viacheslav Valentinovich Nikulin, Вячеслав Валентинович Никулин, Viacheslav Valentinovich Nikulin, “О классификации лоренцевых алгебр Каца - Муди”, УМН, 57, no. 5, 2002, 79  crossref
  5. Cécile Gachet, Hsueh-Yung Lin, Long Wang, “Nef cones of fiber products and an application to the cone conjecture”, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 12, 2024, e28  crossref
  6. Viacheslav V. Nikulin, “A remark on algebraic surfaces with polyhedral Mori cone”, Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 157, 2000, 73  crossref
  7. Conformal Geometry of Discrete Groups and Manifolds, 2000, 461  crossref
  8. V V Nikulin, “Reflection groups in Lobachevskii spaces and the denominator identity for Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras”, Izv. Math., 60, no. 2, 1996, 305  crossref