4 citations to 10.24033/bsmf.2509 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Laurent Meersseman, Alberto Verjovsky, “On the moduli space of certain smooth codimension-one foliations of the 5-sphere by complex surfaces”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2009, no. 632, 2009  crossref
  2. Alexander Ivanovich Aptekarev, Valerii Konstantinovich Beloshapka, Viktor Ivanovich Buslaev, Victor Vladimirovich Goryainov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Dubinin, Vladimir Antonovich Zorich, Nikolai Georgievich Kruzhilin, Stefan Yurievich Nemirovski, Stepan Yur'evich Orevkov, Petr Vladimirovich Paramonov, Sergey Ivanovich Pinchuk, Azimbay Sadullaevich Sadullaev, Armen Glebovich Sergeev, Sergey Pavlovich Suetin, Alexandre Borisovich Sukhov, Konstantin Yurievich Fedorovskiy, Avgust Karlovich Tsikh, “Евгений Михайлович Чирка (к семидесятипятилетию со дня рождения)”, Успехи математических наук, 73, no. 6(444), 2018, 204  crossref
  3. Sergey Ivashkovich, “Vanishing Cycles in Holomorphic Foliations by Curves and Foliated Shells”, Geom. Funct. Anal., 21, no. 1, 2011, 70  crossref
  4. Marco Brunella, 1998, Holomorphic Dynamical Systems, 2010, 105  crossref