4 citations to 10.1081/AGB-200028236 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Henrik Holm, “Modules with Cosupport and Injective Functors”, Algebr Represent Theor, 13, no. 5, 2010, 543  crossref
  2. Yuedi Zeng, Faranak Farshadifar, “Covers and Envelopes by Submodules or Quotient-Modules”, Journal of Mathematics, 2023, 2023, 1  crossref
  3. Lixin Mao, “Remarks on f p-Injective and f p-Flat Modules”, Arab J Sci Eng, 36, no. 6, 2011, 1013  crossref
  4. Septimiu Crivei, Derya Keski̇n Tütüncü, “Relatively divisible and relatively flat objects in exact categories”, J. Algebra Appl., 20, no. 05, 2021, 2150088  crossref