19 citations to 10.1007/978-3-642-33817-5 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Oskar A. Sultanov, “Resonances in asymptotically autonomous systems with a decaying chirped-frequency excitation”, DCDS-B, 28, no. 3, 2023, 1719  crossref
  2. Oskar A. Sultanov, “Bifurcations in Asymptotically Autonomous Hamiltonian Systems Subject to Multiplicative Noise”, Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos, 32, no. 11, 2022, 2250164  crossref
  3. Anatolii Iserovich Neishtadt, Dmitry Valerevich Treschev, “Динамические эффекты, связанные с потерей устойчивости положений равновесия и периодических траекторий”, Успехи математических наук, 76, no. 5(461), 2021, 147  crossref
  4. Luan Hoang, “Long-time behaviour of solutions of superlinear systems of differential equations”, Dynamical Systems, 39, no. 1, 2024, 79  crossref
  5. A. I. Dvirny, V. I. Slyn'ko, “Investigating stability using nonlinear quasihomogeneous approximation to differential equations with impulsive action”, Sb. Math., 205, no. 6, 2014, 862  crossref
  6. Valery Vasil'evich Kozlov, “Тензорные инварианты и интегрирование дифференциальных уравнений”, Успехи математических наук, 74, no. 1(445), 2019, 117  crossref
  7. Oskar A. Sultanov, “Bifurcations in asymptotically autonomous Hamiltonian systems under oscillatory perturbations”, DCDS, 41, no. 12, 2021, 5943  crossref
  8. Valery V. Kozlov, “On the instability of equilibria of mechanical systems in nonpotential force fields in the case of typical degeneracies”, Acta Mech, 232, no. 9, 2021, 3331  crossref
  9. Oskar A. Sultanov, “Long-Term Behaviour of Asymptotically Autonomous Hamiltonian Systems with Multiplicative Noise”, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 22, no. 3, 2023, 1818  crossref