104 citations to 10.1016/j.orl.2004.05.004 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Daniel R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba, “Approximation algorithms for the graph balancing problem with two speeds and two job lengths”, J Comb Optim, 37, no. 3, 2019, 1045  crossref
  2. Shuguang Li, “Approximation algorithms for scheduling jobs with release times and arbitrary sizes on batch machines with non-identical capacities”, European Journal of Operational Research, 263, no. 3, 2017, 815  crossref
  3. Daniel R. Page, Roberto Solis-Oba, 11343, Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, 2018, 24  crossref
  4. Chung-Lun Li, Xiuli Wang, “Scheduling parallel machines with inclusive processing set restrictions and job release times”, European Journal of Operational Research, 200, no. 3, 2010, 702  crossref
  5. Miroslaw Lawrynowicz, Jerzy Jozefczyk, 2022 26th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2022, 318  crossref
  6. Marvin Mandelbaum, Dvir Shabtay, “Scheduling unit length jobs on parallel machines with lookahead information”, J Sched, 14, no. 4, 2011, 335  crossref
  7. Luis Fanjul-Peyro, Rubén Ruiz, “Iterated greedy local search methods for unrelated parallel machine scheduling”, European Journal of Operational Research, 207, no. 1, 2010, 55  crossref
  8. Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo, “A note on graph balancing problems with restrictions”, Information Processing Letters, 110, no. 1, 2009, 24  crossref
  9. Yvonne Bleischwitz, Burkhard Monien, 3998, Algorithms and Complexity, 2006, 175  crossref
  10. Myungbae Son, Sung-Eui Yoon, Proceedings of High Performance Graphics, 2017, 1  crossref