58 citations to 10.1090/gsm/056 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Alexander N. Sergeev, Alexander P. Veselov, “Orbits and Invariants of Super Weyl Groupoid”, Int Math Res Notices, 2016, rnw182  crossref
  2. Maria Zelenova, “Counting the order of the group of points of an elliptic curve over a finite field based on Shanks’s algorithm”, P-Adic Num Ultrametr Anal Appl, 3, no. 2, 2011, 157  crossref
  3. Lek-Heng Lim, “Tensors in computations”, Acta Numerica, 30, 2021, 555  crossref
  4. Andrew Walcott Beckwith, “Creating a (Quantum?) Constraint, in Pre Planckian Space-Time Early Universe via the Einstein Cosmological Constant in a One to One and Onto Comparison between Two Action Integrals”, JHEPGC, 03, no. 02, 2017, 167  crossref
  5. I. M. Nikonov, “Universal Karoubi characteristic classes of nuclear C*-algebras”, J Math Sci, 159, no. 6, 2009, 837  crossref
  6. Victor Matveevich Buchstaber, Aleksandr Petrovich Veselov, Alexander Aleksandrovich Gaifullin, “Classification of involutive commutative two-valued groups”, Russian Math. Surveys, 77, no. 4, 2022, 651  crossref
  7. Marian Pompiliu Cristescu, Maria Flori, Raluca Andreea Nerisanu, 276, Education, Research and Business Technologies, 2022, 149  crossref
  8. Yuhao Yi, Zhongzhi Zhang, Liren Shan, Guanrong Chen, “Robustness of First- and Second-Order Consensus Algorithms for a Noisy Scale-Free Small-World Koch Network”, IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol., 25, no. 1, 2017, 342  crossref
  9. Mikhail Sergeevich Lobanov, Valerii Valentinovich Ryzhikov, “Специальные слабые пределы и простой спектр тензорных произведений потоков”, Математический сборник, 209, no. 5, 2018, 62  crossref
  10. Nirmal Kumar Singha, Barchand Chanam, “On Turán-type integral mean estimate of a polynomial”, MFC, 2023  crossref