15 citations to 10.1007/s00245-018-9512-y (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen, “Decoherence quantification through commutation relations decay for open quantum harmonic oscillators”, Systems & Control Letters, 178, 2023, 105585  crossref
  2. Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen, 2024 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), 2024, 211  crossref
  3. Igor G. Vladimirov, Matthew R. James, Ian R. Petersen, 2019 Australian & New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), 2019, 179  crossref
  4. Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen, Matthew R. James, 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019, 425  crossref
  5. Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen, “State-space computation of quadratic-exponential functional rates for linear quantum stochastic systems”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 360, no. 17, 2023, 14098  crossref
  6. Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen, “Covariance-analytic performance criteria, Hardy-Schatten norms and Wick-like ordering of cascaded systems”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 361, no. 7, 2024, 106804  crossref
  7. Robin Hudson, “A short walk in quantum probability”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A., 376, no. 2118, 2018, 20170226  crossref
  8. Igor G. Vladimirov, “Probabilistic Bounds with Quadratic-Exponential Moments for Quantum Stochastic Systems”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56, no. 2, 2023, 5185  crossref
  9. Daoyi Dong, Ian R. Petersen, Learning and Robust Control in Quantum Technology, 2023, 7  crossref
  10. Igor G. Vladimirov, Ian R. Petersen, Matthew R. James, 2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 2020, 806  crossref