9 citations to 10.1112/S0010437X06002053 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. K. V. Zainoulline, N. S. Semenov, “A classification of projective homogeneous varieties up to motivic isomorphism”, J Math Sci, 140, no. 5, 2007, 692  crossref
  2. N. Semenov, “Motivic decomposition of a compactification of a Merkurjev-Suslin variety”, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2008, no. 617, 2008  crossref
  3. Viktor Petrov, Nikita Semenov, “Generically split projective homogeneous varieties”, Duke Math. J., 152, no. 1, 2010  crossref
  4. Nikita Geldhauser, Andrei Lavrenov, Victor Petrov, Pavel Sechin, “Morava K-theory of orthogonal groups and motives of projective quadrics”, Advances in Mathematics, 446, 2024, 109657  crossref
  5. Maksim Zhykhovich, “Motivic decomposability of generalized Severi–Brauer varieties”, Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 348, no. 17-18, 2010, 989  crossref
  6. Charles De Clercq, “Équivalence motivique des groupes algébriques semisimples”, Compositio Math., 153, no. 10, 2017, 2195  crossref
  7. Alexander Neshitov, Victor Petrov, Nikita Semenov, Kirill Zainoulline, “Motivic decompositions of twisted flag varieties and representations of Hecke-type algebras”, Advances in Mathematics, 340, 2018, 791  crossref
  8. Nikita Semenov, Maksim Zhykhovich, “Integral motives, relative Krull–Schmidt principle, and Maranda-type theorems”, Math. Ann., 363, no. 1-2, 2015, 61  crossref
  9. Daniel Krashen, “Motives of unitary and orthogonal homogeneous varieties”, Journal of Algebra, 318, no. 1, 2007, 135  crossref