56 citations to 10.1016/0370-2693(90)91112-O (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Ирина Ярославна Арефьева, Irina Yaroslavna Aref'eva, “Струнная теория поля: от физики высоких энергий до космологии”, ТМФ, 163, no. 3, 2010, 355  crossref
  2. Michael Kroyter, “Comments on superstring field theory and its vacuum solution”, J. High Energy Phys., 2009, no. 08, 2009, 048  crossref
  3. Shoko Inatomi, Isao Kishimoto, Tomohiko Takahashi, “Homotopy operators and identity-based solutions in cubic superstring field theory”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2011, no. 10, 2011, 114  crossref
  4. Irina Ya Aref'eva, Alexey S Koshelev, Liudmila V Joukovskaya, “Time evolution in superstring field theory on non-BPS brane 1. Rolling tachyon and energy-momentum conservation”, J. High Energy Phys., 2003, no. 09, 2003, 012  crossref
  5. Ian Ellwood, Jessie Shelton, Washington Taylor, “Tadpoles and closed string backgrounds in open string field theory”, J. High Energy Phys., 2003, no. 07, 2003, 059  crossref
  6. Dimitry Polyakov, Foundations of Space and Time, 2012, 125  crossref
  7. Michael Kroyter, “Analytical solutions of pure-spinor superstring field theory”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2013, no. 7, 2013, 19  crossref
  8. Vasilis Niarchos, Nikolaos Prezas, “Boundary superstring field theory”, Nuclear Physics B, 619, no. 1-3, 2001, 51  crossref
  9. Liudmila Joukovskaya, “Dynamics in nonlocal cosmological models derived from string field theory”, Phys. Rev. D, 76, no. 10, 2007, 105007  crossref
  10. I.Ya. Aref'eva, A.S. Koshelev, D.M. Belov, P.B. Medvedev, “Tachyon condensation in cubic superstring field theory”, Nuclear Physics B, 638, no. 1-2, 2002, 3  crossref