30 citations to 10.1016/j.cam.2018.04.014 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. V.A. Rukavishnikov, A.O. Mosolapov, E.I. Rukavishnikova, “Weighted finite element method for elasticity problem with a crack”, Computers & Structures, 243, 2021, 106400  crossref
  2. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Alexey V. Rukavishnikov, 2325, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICAAM 2020), 2021, 020010  crossref
  3. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Alexey V. Rukavishnikov, “On the Existence and Uniqueness of an Rν-Generalized Solution to the Stokes Problem with Corner Singularity”, Mathematics, 10, no. 10, 2022, 1752  crossref
  4. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Alexey V. Rukavishnikov, “On the Properties of Operators of the Stokes Problem with Corner Singularity in Nonsymmetric Variational Formulation”, Mathematics, 10, no. 6, 2022, 889  crossref
  5. A.V. Rukavishnikov, “A numerical approach for solving one nonlinear problem of hydrodynamics in a non-convex polygonal domain”, Comp. Contin. Mech., 15, no. 1, 2022, 19  crossref
  6. “Algorithm for Processing the Results of Calculations for Determining the Body of Optimal Parameters in the Weighted Finite Element Method”, Bulletin of the SUSU. MMP, 15, no. 4, 2022  crossref
  7. Alexey V. Rukavishnikov, Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, “New Numerical Approach for the Steady-State Navier–Stokes Equations with Corner Singularity”, Int. J. Comput. Methods, 19, no. 09, 2022, 2250012  crossref
  8. Viktor A. Rukavishnikov, Elena I. Rukavishnikova, 3085, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICAAM 2022), 2024, 020002  crossref
  9. Jun Tian, Tianqi Zhang, Feng Ji, Yuqi Xu, Lin Cheng, Youming Wang, 2019 IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC), 2019, 139  crossref
  10. Viktor Rukavishnikov, Elena Rukavishnikova, “On the Error Estimation of the FEM for the Nikol’skij-Lizorkin Problem with Degeneracy in the Lebesgue Space”, Symmetry, 14, no. 6, 2022, 1276  crossref