1529 citations to 10.1109/TIT.2005.860430 (Crossref Cited-By Service)
  1. Li Zhang, Weida Zhou, Bangjun Wang, Zhao Zhang, Fanzhang Li, “Applying 1-norm SVM with squared loss to gene selection for cancer classification”, Appl Intell, 48, no. 7, 2018, 1878  crossref
  2. Huihui Li, Yan Zeng, Ning Yang, “Image reconstruction for compressed sensing based on joint sparse bases and adaptive sampling”, Machine Vision and Applications, 29, no. 1, 2018, 145  crossref
  3. Jiadong Yu, Xiaolan Liu, Haoran Qi, Wei Zhang, Yue Gao, 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2019, 1  crossref
  4. Mohammad Reza Ghaderi, Vahid Tabataba Vakili, Mansour Sheikhan, “Compressive sensing-based energy consumption model for data gathering techniques in wireless sensor networks”, Telecommun Syst, 77, no. 1, 2021, 83  crossref
  5. S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, T. Böhm, “SparSpec: a new method for fitting multiple sinusoids with irregularly sampled data”, A&A, 462, no. 1, 2007, 379  crossref
  6. Weike Feng, YongShun Zhang, YiDuo Guo, XingYu He, “2D OMP algorithm for space–time parameters estimation of moving targets”, Electron. lett., 51, no. 22, 2015, 1809  crossref
  7. RuiZhen Zhao, XiaoYu Liu, Ching-Chung Li, Robert J. Sclabassi, MinGui Sun, “Wavelet denoising via sparse representation”, Sci. China Ser. F-Inf. Sci., 52, no. 8, 2009, 1371  crossref
  8. K. Labusch, E. Barth, T. Martinetz, “Simple Method for High-Performance Digit Recognition Based on Sparse Coding”, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw., 19, no. 11, 2008, 1985  crossref
  9. Yong Jin, Hong‐ying Li, Dan‐dan Zhang, Jing Wu, Maozhen Li, “Compressive tracking combined with sample weights and adaptive learning factor”, Concurrency and Computation, 30, no. 23, 2018, e4398  crossref
  10. Zhaohai Meng, “3D inversion of full gravity gradient tensor data using SL0 sparse recovery”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 127, 2016, 112  crossref