Семинар отдела геометрии и топологии МИАН «Геометрия, топология и математическая физика» (семинар С. П. Новикова)
18 февраля 2015 г. 18:30, г. Москва, мехмат МГУ, ауд. 16-22
Projective-geometric aspects of homogeneous third-order
Hamiltonian operators and applications to WDVV equations
, Raffaele Vitolo University of Salento
Количество просмотров: |
Эта страница: | 153 |
In this talk we will consider third-order homogeneous
Hamiltonian operators, introduced by B.A. Dubrovin and S.P. Novikov in
1984. It was recently found that they are in correspondence with
quadratic line complexes, which are algebraic varieties in the space of
all lines of a complex projective space. This enabled us to classify
them in the 2 component case, and, using Segre-Weiler classification of
quadratic line complexes, in the 3 component case.
Third-order homogeneous operators appear in the formulation of WDVV
equations as hydrodynamic-type systems. Thanks to a new set of
compatibility conditions between the matrix of velocities of the system
and third-order homogeneous Hamiltonian operators we are able to prove
existence and uniqueness theorems of such operators for many WDVV
systems. The remarkable fact that a quadratic line complex is attached
to each WDVV system is maybe related with the underlying
projective-geometric nature of the WDVV equations.
Talk is based on joint work with E.V. Ferapontov, M.V. Pavlov.