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Seminar on the History of Mathematics
March 2, 2023 18:00, St. Peterburg, online

Elena Petrovna Ozhigova (1923-1994). To the centenary of the birth

Yu. S. Nalbandjan, I. K. Zubova
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Yu. S. Nalbandjan, I. K. Zubova

Abstract: March 1, 2023 marks the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Elena Petrovna Ozhigova (1923-1994), a prominent Soviet historian of mathematics, author, compiler and editor of many historical and scientific publications. The main topics of her scientific research are "History of Number Theory" and "Mathematics at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences". In her work, E.P. Ozhigova relied on a thorough study of archival documents, materials published in ancient academic publications, and actively used literature on the history of science in different languages. In particular, he spent many years researching notes on number theory from the handwritten notebooks of L. Euler (1707-1783), wrote the monographs "The Development of Number Theory in Russia" (1972) and "Mathematics at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences at the end XVIII - the first half of the XIX century” (1980), a number of books published in the academic series “Scientific and Biographical Literature”, actively participated in the preparation of major collective works on the history of mathematics. The report examines the main stages of the life of Elena Petrovna (youth spent in besieged Leningrad; studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Leningrad State University, teaching activities in Orsk, Velikiye Luki and Leningrad, 30 years of work in the Leningrad branch of the Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences). A review of the main scientific works of E. P. Ozhigova is presented, as well as the memoirs of the authors of the report about meetings with a remarkable scientist and a unique person.
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Supplementary materials: åëåíà_ïåòðîâíà_îæèãîâà.pdf (12.8 Mb) , elena_petrovna_ozhigova_engl.pdf (12.2 Mb) , åëåíà_ïåòðîâíà_îæèãîâà_çàìåòêè.pdf (7.3 Mb)
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