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Seminar on the History of Mathematics
October 6, 2022 18:00, St. Peterburg, online

Vladimir Ivanovich Krylov On the 120th anniversary of the birthday (14.12.1902─31.08.1994)

V. M. Ryabov
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V. M. Ryabov
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Abstract: Scientific and pedagogical activity of V.I. Krylov began at the Leningrad State University (LGU), where he worked until 1957, having gone from assistant to professor, head of the department. Since 1945 V.I. Krylov also worked at the Leningrad Branch of the Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The main scientific directions of Vladimir Ivanovich were formed under the influence of the scientific school of V.I. Smirnov, one of the successors of the traditions of the St. Petersburg mathematical school. Krylov became one of the founders of extensive research in computational mathematics in the Soviet Union. He constructed methods of conformal mapping of simply connected and multiply connected regions, which was especially important in connection with the need to solve a number of applied problems of aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and other plane problems of mechanics. In 1951, the Department of Computational Mathematics was formed at Leningrad State University, headed by V.I. Krylov. In 1956 V.I. Krylov was elected an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, and in fact from that time began the second period of his scientific and pedagogical work, until the last days of his life associated with Belarus. Krylov was in charge of the laboratory for 30 years, starting from 1957, for 15 years he was deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, and from November 1987 he was an adviser to the directorate of the institute. Krylov conducted deep research in the field of numerical methods for solving integral equations, a number of his works are devoted to mechanical quadratures and the approximation theory of functions, methods for the approximate Fourier transform and inversion of the Laplace transform were developed. Important results were obtained by V.I. Krylov together with his students on the study of methods to solving ordinary differential equations and equations of mathematical physics. The result of many years of work of the team of authors Krylov V.I., Bobkov V.V., Monastyrny P.I. was the fundamental two-volume work "Computational Methods of Higher Mathematics", vol I, 2. Minsk. Later, the same team of authors published a five-volume version of "The Beginnings of the Theory of Computational Methods". The last years of life V.I. Krylov devoted to the study of the problem of improving the convergence of series and sequences. V.I. Krylov is the author or co-author of more than 100 scientific papers, including 24 books - monographs, reference books, textbooks for higher educational institutions and tables of auxiliary quantities used in the numerical solution of certain classes of problems. He attached great importance not only to research, but also to the training of specialists in computational mathematics, which was especially important in the initial period of the emergence and widespread introduction of electronic computing technology in science, technology, economics, medicine, etc.
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Supplementary materials: vladimir_ivanovich_krylov_on_the_120th_anniversary_of_the_birthday.pdf (199.4 Kb) , доклад_о_в_и_крылове.pdf (323.7 Kb)
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