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Seminar on the History of Mathematics
December 3, 2015 18:00, St. Peterburg

Who is who? Nikolaj Saltykov

N.V. Lokot'
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N.V. Lokot'

Abstract: In June 1919, Denikin's Volunteer Army took Kharkov and left it in December of the same year, in the hope to stay in the Crimea. The main part of the city Duma and its chairman left Kharkov with Denikin. The emigration has begun for one of the great representatives of the Kharkov mathematical school, N.N. Saltykov (1872-1961). A great number of publications on Russian emigration, which appeared after the "stormy nineties", allows to lift the curtain of secrecy in the fate of many of the brightest representatives of the Russian intelligentsia. A special phenomenon of those years include the appearance of the monograph "Russian abroad. The Golden Book of emigration. The first third of the XX century "(1997) and" The Russian scientific emigration. The twenty Portraits "(2001), where, among other first appeared and biographies of mathematicians emigrants (N.S. Ermolaeva). The author's interest in the personality of the mathematician originated when considering the problem of integrability in finite form, when analyzed the content of the master's and doctoral theses N.N. Saltykov. The information about him were scarce in Russian historical and mathematical literature. The result was an article "Forgotten names. Nikolai Saltykov" (Murmansk, 1997), but the material for it had to collect literally "bit by bit ". Now, with the emergence of new research data on Saltykov, it enriched by information on Kharkov and Belgrade periods of his activity. In this report the scientific biography of Russian mathematician, mechanic, teacher Nicholas Saltykov (1872-1961) sets out, some of the little-known biographical information and a brief analysis of his research discusses. Saltykov's active participation in conventions and congresses, his pedagogical ideas, his seminars, and work with students, his work at the Kharkov Mathematical Society are noteworthy. In addition, his scientific career has been closely connected with the Russian Scientific Institute in Belgrad, he was its member from the foundation till his death.
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